These jobs are flexible and you can work from the comfort of your home. Better still, you pick the topics to work on and work at your own time. Before getting started, you need to appreciate the task at hand. Competition in the freelance writing world is stiff and you need to set yourself apart to find a constant flow of work. The first step in online freelance writing is identifying an area of specialization.
Identify your Niche
There are different types of freelancing gigs available include web content, web copy, article writing, blogging, academic writing, press releases, social media posts, freelance creative writing among others. Under these broad categories, you can narrow down the freelance writing jobyou want totechnology, medical writing, legal writing, history, literature, SEO marketing among other niches.
Create a Blog
Blogging is the best way to tell the world you are a skilled writer. Once you identify a writing niche, start creating content for your blog in this area and share your posts. Write on relevant topics in your field and share your posts among friends, on your social media platforms and forums. Make sure to include your contacts on every post and indicate your availability as a freelance writer.